network of solidarity cities
Following these actions developed, within the framework of the Solidarity Cities Networks initiative, RSF started in the second half of December 2022 the Project Expanding Solidarity City Networks São Paulo, which had the support of the Municipal Coordination of Policies for Migrants (CPMIg ), linked to the Municipal Secretariat for Human Rights and Citizenship (SMDHC).
The project aimed to strengthen the performance of public agents and representatives of bodies active in serving, welcoming and including the migrant population in the local network and existing public infrastructure, expanding and strengthening dialogue between civil society, with a view to inserting a model alternative to existing practices, RSF developed, within the scope of the Project in question Expanding Networks of Solidarity Cities - São Paulo 2022/2023, three fronts of actions:
i) Raising awareness and coordination of public servants who work in the city;
ii) Coordination of dialogue with the Municipal Council of Immigrants (CMI) and, finally,
iii) Holding a Seminar between Solidarity Cities.
Solidarity Cities network
In November 2021, Rede Sem Fronteiras started the Expanding Networks of Cities in Solidarity, which will run until April 2022. The initiative has, as its central objective, the creation of solidarity city networks through the collection of good practices and promotion of networks between these cities, based on 4 fundamental principles: interculturality, transversality, migrant protagonism (participation) and sustainability - which are part of a broad process involving the Migrations Alliance initiative, carried out since 2018 in Europe and Latin America.The project is being carried out in three Latin American cities, Cuiabá and Recife in Brazil, and, Catamarca, Argentina. Check out more information in the executive summary, available in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
Check out the executive summaries available in Portuguese, English and Spanish:
executive summary portuguese
executive summary
Executive summary english
Also check out the final reports available in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish:
Portuguese report
Spanish report
Project “Monitoring and follow-up on the implementation process of the Global Pact of Migrations in the countries of the Andean region: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
Between the months of June and October 2021, Red Sin Fronteras (RSF) together with the Centro de Derechos y Desarrollo (CEDAL) and the support of the Consultancy for Human Rights and Disposal (CODHES) carried out the project “Monitoreo y follow-up on the implementation process of the Global Pact on Migrations by the countries of the Andean region: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru”. The proposed action focuses on the protection of the human rights of migrant persons, mapping the advances, challenges and obstacles for the implementation of the Global Compact on the march in the Andean region, particularly with regard to Goal 10 of the PMM.
A reduced version of this report was published in 2022 summarizing the efforts of the developed project and presenting the impressions and analysis of the international organizations involved in the implementation of the PMM - ECLAC and the IOM, of the authorities of four countries, as well as the perspective of the civil society that acts in the region, suggesting good practices and possible actions.
Progress and Agreements in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: Perspectives from the Andean Region
Presentation video in English
In this 2022, with the support of Solidar Network and International Solidarity, which are supported by the auspices of the European Union, Redes Sin Fronteras (RSF) and the Centro de Derechos y Desarrollo (CEDAL), we promoted the project called Advances y Acuerdos en el Pacto Mundial for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: Perspectives from the Andean Region, Continuing the Monitoring and Follow-up Report on the Implementation Process of the Global Pact for Migrations in the Countries of the Andean Region of 2021.Accedaherethe full article Before the migratory crisis, it is urgent to overcome the reactive strategies by Aida García Naranjo Morales, Patricia Gainza and Beatriz Ventura.